Passei o fim de semana na casa do meu irmão. Chego á conclusão de que por muito que vivamos e por muitas pessoas que conheçamos, os laços com os irmãos manteèm-se intactos independentemente do espaço e do tempo. Partilhámos a mesma barriga, muitos dos brinquedos, durante algum tempo o mesmo quarto, e por toda esta história de vida, quando nos encontramos ainda sou a irmã mais velha que decide e traça os itinerários. As brincadeiras são as mesmas de quando dormíamos lado a lado e o meu pai tinha de nos dar um valente ralhete para que adormecêssemos.
I spent the weekend at my brother`s house. I got to the point that no matter how long we live and how many persons are in our lifes, brother ties keep intacts no matter time and space. We shared the same belly, most of the toys, the same room for a long time and bicause of this story life I`m still the older sister that decides where to go. We play the same old way from the time we slept side by side and my father has to give us a big shout for us to stop playing and asleep.
I spent the weekend at my brother`s house. I got to the point that no matter how long we live and how many persons are in our lifes, brother ties keep intacts no matter time and space. We shared the same belly, most of the toys, the same room for a long time and bicause of this story life I`m still the older sister that decides where to go. We play the same old way from the time we slept side by side and my father has to give us a big shout for us to stop playing and asleep.
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