quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2009
Curiosidades: Katoh e a máquina de costura
Do you know Shinzi Katoh?
terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009
Outono | Autumn

domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009
Vamos a votos

A nova colecção da Amy Buttler.
Uma forma fácil de fazer um mini-estúdio para fotografar, mesmo naqueles dias em que o sol não brilha.
Today we will choose our Prime-Minister. I will find some friends from school that I don`t see for a very long time. At list four years. In these days of school table meeting, I always go melancholic. I usually dress up better, put some make-up. I want to look good to my old friends, when we do the five minuts chat balance of our lifes. Most of my friends is already married and have one or two kids and it`s funny to meet up, after so much time. It was centuries ago, an eternity when we changed t-shirt`s, thoughts, color pencils and hapiness.

Amy Butler new collection.
An easy way of building a mini-studio to photograph, even in those no so sunny days.
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009
As mulheres
Apart that I`m a woman also, I never really understood women. They want everything there is, like to get all attentions from a man, to give him nothing more than a NO, they build up hard projects, projects of a life, give them away for nothing. Why are we so complicated? Men just like something, go for it and are happy, even they don`t get it, they will choose other thing, and will try to fight for it, all again. It`s simple! Us?! We are much more complicated! A group of four or five men, they will trace goals, be distante enought so they don`t get trobles with one another. A group of women is a nightmare! My Scene Design class, ten years ago had 19 women and a an only man, pour Cesar, he had to handle alone for all the little things of an all feminine class. If he ever wanted to be a gentleman, he would be literally steped over without regret. Me, at the time, as a junior, would do exactly the same, of course!
Projectos de hoje:
quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2009
workshops de hoje
The ateler it`s small and doesn`t allow more than three students for class, but the results are extraordinary. The students used three brushes of different sizes and a plastic bag in the middle of the t-shirt so the ink does not goes from one side to other and with the Gato Preto and Folkart ink they made it.

Eram duas das coisas que mais me custou deixar para trás na altura em que iniciei a minha nova vida como microempresária. Outra das coisas é a leitura. As saudades que tenho de um bom romance de Salman Rushdie! O meu amor platónico do momento é Gomorra. É o próximo livro a deixar apodrecer na mesa de cabeceira.
Este vídeo maravilhoso.
As silhuetas da Ana e também as da Sarah + Abraham.
A inspiração da Kapital.
E saiu mais uma revista Selvedge, a devorar do princípio ao fim.
terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009
segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009
quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2009
Tutorial of letters in papier mache
Calendar makers, come ahead. Decor8 is looking for artists contribution. Deaaline: 12th October.

Um bom passo-a-passo a executar futuramente: letras em papier maché. Aqui.
Here is a nice tutorial for you to try: mapier maché letters. Here.
Para quem vive em Montemor, distrito de Évora, muitos cursos, aqui.
If you live in Montemor, Évora district, a lot of free workshops, here.
E a ExperimetaDesign. Entrada livre. A não perder.
And ExperimentaDesign. Free entrance. Don`t loose it.
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009
clientes felizes | happy clients

Este último saco é feito no nosso atelier, é uma técnica mista de pintura e découpage em tecido.
Você também pode fazer um.
1. Tecido de suporte, neste caso um saco em pano crú, pré-feito.
2. Tintas de tecido, neste caso usei tintas FOLKART:
4413 Lemon Custard, nos pintos.
4404 Berry whine, na árvore.
479 Pure Black, na sombra da árvore.
3. Guardanapos de várias cores, nomeadamente azuis e verdes;
4. Cola Pano da Gato Preto.
5. Pincéis: um espatulado médio, um redondo fino, um redondo médio.
1. Lavar o tecido de suporte, deixar secar.
2. Escolher o desenho a introduzir no tecido.
3. Desenhar o desenho no tecido através do papel químico ou de papel de arquitecto;
4. Escolher que partes do desenho irão ser preenchidas com guardanapo recortado e quais as que irão ser pintadas;
5. Pintar as partes que definiu como pintadas;
6. Com a ajuda da cola pano e do pincel espatulado, aplicar os pedaços de guardanapo no tecido.
7. Deixar secar.
This last bag was made in our atelier, it`s a mixed technique of paint and decoupage over fabric.
You also can make one.
1. Fabric of support, in this in case that a bag in raw cloth.
2. Fabric inks, in this in case that I used FOLKART:
4413 Lemon Custard, in the chickens.
4404 Berry whine, in the tree.
479 Pure Black, in the shade of the tree.
3. Napkins in some colors, blue and green;
4. Glue Cloth (Gato Preto Brand);
5. Brushes, several sizes.
Step by Step:
1. Wash the fabric bag and leave to dry.
2. Choose the drawing to introduce in the fabric.
3. Draw it directly in the fabric through transference paper;
4. Choose what parts of the drawing will be filled with the pre-cuted napkin and which the ones that will be painted;
5. Paint the defined parts ;
6. With the aid of the glue cloth brush, apply the pieces of napkin in the fabric.
7. Leave to dry.
terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2009
michey mouse pattern | molde de fantoche do Mickey
segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009
Furoshiki, o qué isso?!

Superziper have been posting some vídeos that will help to fold them.

Now check the Kakefuda store website, located in Kyoto. Be patiente and push all the buttons, the site it`s in japanese, but it worths bicause you find some amazing furoshiki images.

domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009

Yuriko Koike para o uso moderado dos sacos plásticos.
Image introduced by the Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, encoraging to the moderate
use of plastic bags, by the minister Yuriko Koike.
sábado, 12 de setembro de 2009
sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2009

José Rola Paulo: Rua de Santo António, nº 10, Ericeira

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009
terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009
I dicovered this website that can be an excellent tool for fashion designrs and also for those who like funny fashion and have some time to enjoy it.
segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009
I`ve always been what I`m today. What I mean is that I remmember of feeling inside me who I feel to be today. I remmember when I was three or four years old to be desperate to have a pencil and a piece of paper. My students made me remmember those times. So much emotion, care, proud, when my pencil draw over the paper thru my hand. The persistence of perfection. It was all there.
domingo, 6 de setembro de 2009
Yesterday we had a special visit from our friend Felizarda, who came with her hands full withs fabric candies. I love everything that concerns fabrics, just don`t ask me to sit in front of a sewing machine, or to sew in front, I Can`t do it correctly! That´s why it`s a fantastic pleasure touching such fantastic pieces done with care.
I´m lost with the patchwork quilt. The colors remmind me the childwood, the softness of a strawberry cake with chantilly.
Inspirações Inspirations:
E um vídeo. Com tanto material, não há nenhuma desculpa para não tentar fazer um.
And a vídeo. With so much matherial you have no excuse. Try to make your own.